Friday, June 29, 2007


Tomorrow we leave for our first family vacation so today is preparation day. I am finishing laundry and packing and getting the house clean. I hate coming home to a dirty house so vacuming and ensuring everything is in order is a must before we leave. Also, making sure the girls bottles are set and everything is loaded and ready tonight. We leave for the airport at 5:00 AM tomorrow morning...I am not sure what exactly I was thinking when I bought these tickets other than I just want to get to Maine, but now I am wondering if getting a later flight would have been wiser, but I guess we will see. This time tomorrow we will be in Philadelphia getting ready to get on our second flight which will take us to Portland Maine. There my mom will be waiting with the car seats. We decided that this would be a good time to upgrade the girls into their "big girl" seats and that way we would only have to haul them one way, home and then we wouldn't have to rent them, since you never really know what they have been through. Then we will head straight to the house in Maine for some peace, relaxation and LOBSTER! Can't wait and I am sure we will have more stories for you when we get back...I mean you think grocery shopping with twins is bad...lets see how traveling with twins is :-)