Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Let's Play Catch Up!

So it has been several months since I last wrote here, I know shocker right?! Anyway, a lot has happened since my last post. We have all recovered since Maddie's surgery. We have been on our annual family vacation to Maine, which, was as usual, a wonderful time! We got to catch up with my whole family which is always chaotic, but fun. The girls have started preschool again.

This year they are going three days a week, and it is great to have them learning and it gives me time to spend with just Tanner, one on one. In the few short weeks that they have been going they have already learned to write their names, they could do part of them last year, but now they can write the whole thing! Tanner has sprouted two teeth and it appears that about four more might be trying to make their way out, I know one more for sure is because I can see it starting to cut through. He has also started to think about crawling.

He scoots a little and rolls, but more recently he has started getting on both knees and rocking a little and then if he can't reach he will just dive at whatever object he wants. It won't be long until he is fully mobile, something I am NOT ready for. I don't know why parents get so excited to have their children start crawling. For me it  is a stress to make sure he isn't eating a littlest pet shop piece or a critter tool. Grabbing trash of the floor, etc. But it is a stage we will get through just like all the others. I will say on the plus side of his mobility he can now crawl/wiggle into my lap when he wants me, that is pretty cute!

The girls finished playing their first season of T-Ball and we are on to soccer again. This season I think they are having fun, because two of their friends are the team and I am coaching them. Soccer is nothing new to me, but coaching 8, 4-5 year olds that is a little something new. Getting them to understand and to listen are a challenge, but I think we are all having fun!

In a nutshell that is what has been going on here. 
On the horizon stay tuned for a 9 month update on Tanner and the girls 5th birthday update, I know how can they be turning 5? I am not sure, but they are so I will be enjoying their last few weeks as four year olds! :-)