Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Week of Firsts

Last week I took the girls to my parents house for the week. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed the time with my family and the daily companionship! The girls also had a lot of firsts. Their first long distance car ride, which they handled really well, only one stop on the way there to eat, and no stops on the way back. That is right, they slept the WHOLE way back, over 5 hours, it was great. They got to meet their great grandmother for the first time and they got to eat rice cereal for the first time. Natalie took to it right away and I couldn't get it into her mouth fast enough, but Maddie didn't like it as much. They are both, however, now doing much better and are really getting the hang of it! So that is that many firsts for one week, but it was a lot of fun.