Monday, February 26, 2007

Curse of the new clothes

I swear my girlies know when I put them in something new. It doesn't matter if it is a new onesie or new pants or a new shirt, they can sense it, because each and every time they blow out their diapers. I am becoming a whiz at getting stains out, but it is still a pain, and all those stains do not always come out. But it is inevitable that within 2 hours of being put into something new that loud explosion will be heard and no sooner than I can pull them out of whatever they are sitting in or laying on, there will be poop everywhere. You can't get mad, I mean they don't know what has happened so all you can do is laugh, put them in the bath and know that next time it will happen again! So here is to the curse of the new clothes, let them be fresh and clean for an hour, because that is about all they will get...if that! :-)