Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Time Better Spent
Today, I have spent most of the girls nap time trying to figure out why our satalite isn't working correctly. It is highly annoying, not that we need to be inside on this gorgeous day, but it is nice to have music and stuff on when we are eating lunch. I have tried everything that the DirectTv website suggests and called to speak to a representative and at least now we have channels, before about every other channel wouldn't come in, but now our DVR is not working. I am guessing something happened during that huge storm we had last night. Seriously, I cannot believe how bad it was here. At one point there was such a huge crack of lightening that one of the girls toys that plays music when it hears noise or vibrations actually went off. I jumped so high I could have been a high jumper. But I digress and my frustration is still seething. The wonderfully intelligent representative on the phone told me that there wasn't anything else he could do was send a technician out, NEXT Tuesday and that it will cost us $79.00. UGH. come on people, give me a break please. I am hoping Tom can fix whatever is going on when he gets home, if not out the door flies more money we weren't prepared to spend, I love unexpected costs!