To My Little Angels,
Today you turned one year old. I cannot believe that it has already been a full year since you entered this world or how much our lives have changed since you entered it. You have brought us so much love and laughter that I cannot imagine life without you. You both started off small, but you have blossomed into two healthy little girls. You are both trying to walk and you enjoy exploring new foods. You get a kick out of making each other laugh and we can tell that you are going to be close, because you are always hugging each other, or holding hands, or kissing each other. You love to talk to each other and you play well together. Your special "twin" time is when we bought you down to sleep and you stand at the end of your cribs and talk, or laugh or pass your blankets or pacifiers back and forth. We have been so fortunate that I have been able to stay home with you girls to watch you grow and to see all of your changes and I love every minute of it, even when you have your little fits or you don't get enough sleep. I cannot even begin to explain to the two of you how special you are or how much you are loved by me, your daddy and everyone else. You are just so lovable and cuddly and you make everyone laugh and smile. I want to thank you girls for this wonderful year and I wish I could put into words just how much you mean to me. I could go on and on, but I won't here and now. Just know that we love you and I am so glad to have you as my daughters and I hope you have a very Happy Birthday and a very Happy Year!
I love you girls,
Your Mama